Limes March 2023

LEGIO supports and participates in the 737 km "Limes Marsch 2023" in Germany!

The "Limes Marsch 2023" is an ambitious project initiated by Tommes Rute. A 737 km march in full Roman army equipment, including pack animals and contubernium (8 men) camp infrastructure.
This physically extremely challenging living-history experience has been prepared for over two years and will lead all participants to their physical and mental limits! 

LEGIO will be sponsoring and supporting the expedition with over 200 l of our "posca". Specially made in the most historic way, our "posca" will fit the high historic standards of this undertaking!

LEGIO was actually born in exactly this way: In 2021 our founder, Géza Frank, embarked on the 350 km march along the Austrian section of the Roman Danube Limes and developed LEGIO for his own consumption during this very physical challenge. 

He will now return to march along the German limes! Follow us here, on social media and on YouTube in order to be part of this adventure!

For more information on the "Limes Marsch 2023", visit the project website:

By ordering LEGIO Posca you are directly supporting important educational and cultural niche projects such as this one. 


1050 Wien
